Our Mission

The mission of the Office of Minority Health is to provide national leadership, resources, and coordination to improve the health of racial and ethnic minority populations and American Indians and Alaskan Natives and eliminate health disparities.

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Attention: Please Read

In our ongoing effort to ensure the security of your accounts and protect your personal information, a new Multifactor Authentication (MFA) protocol has been implemented for the Think Cultural Health e-learning programs. MFA adds an extra layer of protection to your account by requiring you to verify your identity through multiple methods during login. Please visit our MFA Support page for assistance. Register online for our educational programs.

NOTICE: We replaced the e-learning program, Cultural Competency Program for Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response, with an all-new program, Cultural Competency Program for Disaster and Emergency Management, on July 30, 2024. You will not be able to access Cultural Competency Program for Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response again. To take the new e-learning program (Cultural Competency Program for Disaster and Emergency Management), please register for the program to earn free continuing education credits.

En nuestro esfuerzo continuo por garantizar la seguridad de sus cuentas y proteger su información personal, se ha creado un nuevo protocolo de autenticación multifactor (MFA). implementado para los programas de aprendizaje electrónico Think Cultural Health. MFA agrega una capa adicional de protección a su cuenta al solicitarle que verifique su identidad a través de múltiples métodos durante el inicio de sesión. Visite nuestra página de soporte de MFA para obtener ayuda. Regístrese en línea para nuestros programas educativos.

Disaster and Emergency Management


Cultural Competency Program for Disaster and Emergency Management

This free, accredited e-learning program is designed for disaster and emergency personnel seeking knowledge and skills related to disaster or emergency mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. This program will equip you to deliver the highest quality of care to everyone.



In Your Words

Hear from fellow CLAS champions about why culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) matter.

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