Explore our free, continuing education e-learning programs, each designed to help you provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS).

Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Social Workers
This program will help behavioral health professionals to become more aware of their cultural identity and the cultural identity of their clients to increase their ability to engage, assess, and treat clients from diverse backgrounds. A small group option, to help you deliver the content as an in-person training session, is also available!

Health Care Administrators and Providers
This Communication Guide will help you and your organization interact more effectively with culturally and linguistically diverse individuals. The Guide covers strategies for communicating in a way that considers the cultural, health literacy, and language needs of your patients and their families.

Cultural Competency Deployment Refresher
Refresh yourself on how to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) during deployment.
Continuing Education Units Available
Disaster and Emergency Management
This program will help you better understand culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) and provide CLAS more effectively during a disaster or as a part of your daily work. It covers strategies for providing CLAS during the prepare, respond, and recover phases of a disaster.

Continuing Education Units Available
Maternal Health Providers
This program will teach you how to improve your quality of care by understanding, respecting, and responding to a patient’s experiences, values, and beliefs. Topics covered include cultural competency, cultural humility, person-centered care, and implicit bias.

Continuing Education Units Available
This program will teach you key elements of culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) and ways to incorporate CLAS into your daily work. Topics covered include patient-centered care and effective communication.

Continuing Education Units Available
Oral Health Professionals
This program will offer you the knowledge and awareness necessary to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) to your patients. Topics covered include practice management and effective communication. A small group option, to help you deliver the content as an in-person training session, is also available!

Continuing Education Units Available
Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants
This program will teach you key elements of culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) and ways to incorporate CLAS into your daily work. Topics covered include patient-centered care and effective communication.

Promotores de Salud
Este curso le ayudará a trabajar con personas en su comunidad para hacer cambios en sus vidas y en sus comunidades que mejorarán su salud.
This program will help you work with people in your community to make changes in their lives and in their communities to enjoy better health.