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Working with an interpreter

Elena Sanchez, a Spanish-speaking Latina woman, brings her daughter, Rosa, to see her pediatrician for her annual physical. The pediatrician speaks with Elena, through an interpreter, about his concern that Rosa is overweight for her age and the implications of this extra weight on Rosa's health. Through an interpreter, a nurse shares with Elena information about a nutrition and physical fitness program available to Elena and Rosa to help them incorporate healthy eating and exercise habits into Rosa's lifestyle.

0:00 The patient (Rosa) is sitting on a chair in the exam room. The patient's mother (Elena) is standing beside the translator (Pilar). The physician knocks and enters the exam room.

1:11 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] Good afternoon. How are you doing?

1:12 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Buenas tardes. ¿Cómo está?

1:13 [Elena Sanchez] Bien, gracias.

1:14 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Dr. Gilbert) Good, thank you.

1:15 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] (Dr. Gilbert glances at Rosa's medical file and then looks up.) Today, we are here for Rosa's annual physical for school. Is that correct?

1:20 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Hoy en día, estamos está aquí para examen físico anual de Rosa para la escuela. ¿Es eso correcto?

1:24 [Elena Sanchez] Sí.

1:25 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Dr. Gilbert) Yes.

1:26 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] Right now, I'm concerned that Rosa's age and body mass index are telling us that she's at greater risk of being an overweight adult.

1:35 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Ahora estoy preocupado que la edad y el índice de masa corporal de Rosa nos indiquen que ella tiene más posibilidades de ser un adulto con sobrepeso.

1:45 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] We'll continue to monitor her progress.

1:47 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Vamos a seguir vigilando su progreso.

1:52 [Elena Sanchez] Bien, gracias.

1:54 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Dr. Gilbert) Good, thank you.

1:57 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] It's good that you feed her well and she is staying active. But I am still concerned about her weight.

2:02 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Es bueno que la alimente bien y que esté activo. Pero sigo preocupado por su peso.

2:08 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] She is overweight for her age, which is putting her at risk for diabetes and heart disease.

2:12 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Ella pesa demás para su edad, lo cual la pone en riesgo de tener diabetes y problemas del corazón.

2:18 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] Also, this extra weight throughout her childhood and life would mean a greater risk for other chronic conditions.

2:25 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Además, este peso extra a lo largo de su infancia y su vida la pone en mayor riesgo de tener otras afecciones crónicas.

2:33 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] But it is important to know that if she starts making healthy choices now, the risk for these will decrease once again.

2:39 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Pero es importante saber que si empieza a escoger opciones saludables ahora, el riesgo de tener esto volverá a disminuir.

2:47 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] Getting Rosa to a healthy weight now is very important in preventing health problems later in life.

2:54 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Lograr que Rosa tenga un peso saludable ahora es muy importante en prevenir problemas de salud más adelante en la vida.

3:03 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] There's an education program at this clinic that you might be interested in. Mary can give you some more information about it.

3:08 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Tenemos un programa de educación aquí en la clínica que le puede interesar. Mary le dará más información sobre esto.

3:16 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] I'll see you both soon.

3:18 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Los veré muy pronto.

3:20 [Dr. Steve Gilbert] Rosa, have fun playing!

3:21 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Rosa) ¡Rosa, diviértate jugando!

3:23 Elena and Pilar are in the exam room, Dr. Gilbert has exited. They are now joined by Mary who is sitting beside Elena.

3:24 [Mary Okoye] It is good to see you again.

3:25 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Es bueno verle de nuevo.

3:27 [Mary Okoye] Dr. Gilbert wanted me to further explain the wellness program we offer right here at the clinic.

3:31 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) El doctor Gilbert quiere que le explique con más detalle el programa de nutrición que ofrecemos aquí en la clínica.

3:40 [Mary Okoye] The clinic has developed a nutrition and physical fitness program for kids like Rosa and their parents.

3:46 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) La clínica ha desarrollado un programa de nutrición para chicos como Rosa y sus padres.

3:52 [Mary Okoye] The class runs for six weeks, two days per week.

3:55 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) La clase tiene una duración de seis semanas, dos días a la semana.

4:01 [Mary Okoye] The really great news is that Rosa will know many of the kids in her class because they attend the same school that she does.

4:06 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) La buena noticia realmente es que Rosa ya va a conocer a la mayoría de los chicos en la clase porque ya asisten a la misma escuela.

4:15 [Mary Okoye] And you will also get to meet other parents who also want to help to make their families healthier.

4:20 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Y usted encontrará con otros padres que también quieren ayudar a sus familias a ser más sanas.

4:27 [Mary Okoye] Do you have any questions?

4:29 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) ¿Tiene alguna pregunta?

4:33 [Elena Sanchez] No. Rosa nunca ha participado en este tipo de clase y yo nunca he escuchado a nadie hablar de este tipo de clase, entonces es difícil para mí hacer preguntas en este momento.

4:44 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Mary) No. Rosa has never been in such a class and I've never heard of such a class before, so that's why it's hard for me to ask questions right now.

4:53 [Elena Sanchez] Y tampoco estoy segura de lo que están sugiriendo. Yo trabajo con muy pocos recursos y doy lo que pueda a Rosa.

5:01 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Mary) And I also don't know what you're suggesting. I work with very little resources and I give what I can to Rosa.

5:06 [Mary Okoye] I recognize your concerns, but I believe that we can work together to keep Rosa healthy.

5:11 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Reconozco sus preocupaciones, pero creo que podemos trabajar juntos a mantener saludable a Rosa.

5:17 [Mary Okoye] She will learn more about how to stay healthy as she gets older.

5:22 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Ella aprenderá más acerca de cómo mantenerse saludable a medida que crece.

5:27 [Elena Sanchez] Pero ella ya es una chica saludable. Yo le preparo tortillas y frijoles y otros alimentos de mi cultura. Y ella juega afuera de la escuela con otros niños.

5:37 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Mary) But she already is a healthy child. She eats beans and tortillas and other foods from my culture. And she always plays outside with other kids after school.

5:46 [Mary Okoye] That's great. We do not want to change the foods that you're eating entirely. But we do want to help you to make these meals a little healthier.

5:53 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Eso es genial. No queremos cambiar por completo los alimentos que están comiendo. Pero si queremos ayudarle a preparar estas comidas en forma más sana.

6:05 [Mary Okoye] We will also work with both of you to help her to understand and choose healthier eating options.

6:10 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Trabajaremos con los dos para ayudarle a entender y elegir opciones más sanas.

6:17 [Mary Okoye] In the classes, Rosa will have the opportunity to learn about healthy eating and exercise.

6:22 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) En las clases, Rosa aprenderá sobre la nutrición y el ejercicio.

6:28 [Mary Okoye] She will also play interactive games that teach her what foods are better for her body than others.

6:31 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Jugará juegos interactivos que le enseñara que alimentos son mejores que otros.

6:34 [Mary Okoye] We will also teach her about fun ways to stay active throughout the day, even at home.

6:39 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Y también aprenderá maneras divertidas de mantenerse activo durante el día, incluso en casa.

6:44 [Elena Sanchez] Ok, bueno, yo creo que suena como un buen plan, pero me preocupa que ella va a pensar que algo anda mal con ella. En mi cultura, ser capaz de sentarse derecho, tener piel y pelo saludables, son más importantes que el peso adicional de un bebe.

7:02 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Mary) Ok, I think it sounds like a good plan, but I am worried that she's going to think something is wrong with her. In my culture, to be able to sit up straight, and to have healthy skin and hair is more important than a little extra baby weight.

7:28 [Mary Okoye] I understand you have doubts about this program.

7:31 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Reconozco que tiene dudas sobre este programa.

7:34 [Mary Okoye] We have Rosa and your best interests at heart.

7:37 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Pero tenemos a Rosa y sus mejores intereses en el corazón.

7:41 [Mary Okoye] You have been coming to this clinic since Rosa was 11 months old. We would not suggest this program unless we thought it was appropriate.

7:50 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Usted ha estado viniendo a la clínica desde que Rosa tenía 11 meses de edad.

7:57 [Elena Sanchez] Sí, ya veo. Cuando me estaban explicando el programa, tenía miedo que estaban tratando de cambiar nuestro estilo de vida. Pero ahora ya veo que el programa ayudará a Rosa y yo aprender sobre la vida sana.

8:13 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Mary) Yes, now I see. At first when I heard about the program, I thought you were trying to change our lifestyle. But, now I realize that this will help me and Rosa learn more about healthy living.

8:28 [Mary Okoye] I'm glad that you took the time to listen. We at the clinic are here to help.

8:31 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Estoy contenta que haya tomado el tiempo de escucharme. Nosotros aquí en la clínica estamos aquí para ayudar.

8:39 [Mary Okoye] Would you like to get started and sign up for the wellness program?

8:41 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) ¿Quiere empezar ya y registrarse para el programa de bienestar?

8:45 [Elena Sanchez] Sí, me gustaría darle una oportunidad.

8:48 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Mary) Yes, I'll give it a try.

8:50 [Mary Okoye] Great, I'll get the registration form.

8:52 [Pilar Cerna] (Looks to Elena) Bueno, voy a buscar la forma de inscripción.

8:55 Mary, Elena, and Pilar acknowledge each other with a smile.